Monday, 25 April 2011

End of the holidays

Tomorrow we are back to work. I am not quite in teacher mode yet. A long holiday abroad and returning to gorgeous sunshine makes it feel like it’s already the summer holidays. These long holidays are a definite perk of teaching. In fact independent schools have even longer holidays so that may be a career route to look at.
I’ve just been to South America and haven’t quite returned in one piece. We decided to climb a volcano in Chile without thinking about it carefully. People had said it was hard but after reaching the summit with just a little bit of a sweat I thought they were wimps until...I slid the 2.8km back down on my arse and landed on a volcanic rock. Still feeling it now...over a week later...the pain’s not easing...
We were very excited to stay in an ecotouristic hotel. I was expecting solar panelling, composting, those holes in the ceiling which let natural light through but at less than £10 a night the reality of this ecotouristic hotel was a sign saying ‘please shower with a friend and turn the light out when you are bonking.’

1 comment:

  1. All sounds fab. Hope the return of the school year doesn't interfere with that relaxed hol vibe you've got going on.
    Josie x
