Friday, 8 April 2011

Holiday Time xx

The long holiday has begun; life is very good for all us teachers. In fact it has never been so good with next term bringing us 2 bank holidays and a polling day as well as being a very short term; of course we will still be paid the same amount. If cuts involve cutting the amount of time we have to work, I don’t mind so much. My excitement is shared by all different kinds of teachers all over. In fact my excitement has made people question if I really enjoy my job. Most of the time I do but I enjoy relaxing, going on holiday and doing what I want even more. If there was a career of doing what I wanted, relaxing and going on holiday and getting paid for it- I would do it. I know some people classify being on the dole as this but I feel the dole is not the job for me. I like to burn the candle at both ends and even through the middle at times.
Miss Phitt xx

1 comment:

  1. Ah geez, unless someone's been a teacher I don't think they'd understand. I have "fixed" schools as you will note. I will try and get the UK education people to take up my suggestions for you.
    Josie x
