Saturday, 16 July 2011

Teaching 10 Commandments

This is not necessarily a ‘should’, ‘have to’ or ‘must’ but what I think works to have a successful school and home life. I don’t always follow them, in fact right now I'm really not - yet suffering for it!That’s when things tend not to work...1 week left at work...these will act as my New School Year Resolutions in September.
1.       Thou shalt mark all thy books.
2.       Thou shalt be calm.
3.       Thou shalt rest from work on the Sabbath.
4.       Thou SHALT steal. (in the context of ideas, planning, behaviour management techniques etc...)
5.       Thou shalt do what one knows to be right.
6.       Thou shalt honour the fathers and mothers. (Know the importance of parental impact – welcome them. They make the biggest difference – possibly a harder job than ours AND they don’t get paid!)
7.       Thou shalt not murder. (walk away from the boss! Take deep breaths...sometimes what they’re saying is right - other times it is complete nonsense! Call them on it calmly if it makes a difference.)
8.       Thou shalt keep thy word. (Follow up! If a child’s not done what’s been asked, always follow up even if you think it doesn’t matter – it does!)
9.       Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord our God in vain. (swearing in class never a good idea!)
10.   Thou shalt have decent learning objectives and success criteria (take care of these and the lessons take care of themselves)

And right now, thou shalt enjoy the weekend. Miss Phitt xx

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