Monday, 28 November 2011

Philosophical Questions

So I haven’t written for a bit. I’ve been having the teaching wobblies. Then I realised I had PMT. PMT and teaching don’t mix very well. In fact, it its one of the worst combinations ever. When I’m having the wobblies, I realise it is just that time of the month when I go insane and everything upsets me. I had a parent ring up complaining saying, ‘you said don’t you dare speak to me like that to my child.’ I knew I’d been grumpy with my PMT but with the PMT I start to doubt myself...I was thinking I was out of order...but then I realised I was completely within my rights to say that.
So I’ve been on a ‘Philosophy for children’ course today. Great stuff and very enjoyable!!! I recommend it! I actually learnt more for myself than to actually teach it but I’ve got another session tomorrow. I realised I’m always stressing myself out to get the kids the best grades; and I normally succeed with this but at the end of the day the philosophy and PSHE may have a much greater positive impact on their lives; and on mine! As I will teach relaxing thoughtful lessons rather than cramming as much in as possible and stressing myself out. Imagine the kids coming up with questions such as; ‘why do we always want what we don’t have?’...’why do we REALLY want to give rather than receive?’...’what is right or wrong?’...’what makes a good Christmas?’...’Why is family considered important?’...’what is happiness?’...there’s something very satisfying about discussing these philosophical questions even when the answer can seem quite negative...’Does everyone have the same philosophical questions?’...what philosophical questions do you have? xxx

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Personality Test

I was having one of those days at work. I was thinking, ‘teaching why do I do it to myself?’ This is a common occurrence for teachers after marking the first assessment of the year where the kids have made no progress. So I did one of those personality tests online, which suggests careers suited to your personality. I was hoping it would come up with an exciting new career I hadn’t thought of. I spent ages answering the numerous questions when finally it came up with a career suggestion for me. What was this career which completely suited my personality?
After sharing my assessment woes with other teachers; I realised we’re all in the same boat and I went and got on with it.
I realised my personality loves teaching my Ego hates it. A personality of wanting to contribute, make a difference, being caring, creative and fun works well. An ego of being a perfectionist, being super cool, liking to show everyone how clever and special I am doesn't work so well. Luckily it was a personality not an ego test. My ego test takes place every day in the classroom. xx