Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Teacher Support

I read some data the other day that education makes very little difference on how much success you have in life...made me think but surely it is necessary to be able to add up and read to have success? I also read 90% of what children learn is from their peers - an interesting fact too...and makes sense too as my whole sex education was from my peers - much to my parents' relief.
So I am very happy that it's the end of term and I get some relaxation. I was enjoying the last couple of weeks of the Christmas curriculum. There is always the debate when the Christmas curriculum should start and some teachers ca not bring themselves to do anything that isn't a proper lesson. I chose to compromise and do a pass the parcel with maths questions between each layer. The kids were not very happy as they were expecting a sweet between each layer. However most of my Christmas maths questions involved counting sweets.
It was also nice the last day of term the children bringing me gifts. I got them all a small gift too, of course there was one brat who said, 'is that all we get?' I also had another gift: a nasty anonymous letter from one of the parents. I was upset at first as I was accused of doing things I didn't do but the other staff and head teacher were so supportive that it actually had the reverse effect of upsetting me on my last day of work, which had been its spteful intention. Some of the other teachers had had them to but I guess I just have to work harder at improving relationships with parents. Yet at the same time sometimes 'having a pop' at the teacher is just their way of covering up their poor parenting skills.
Its the holidays now - so time to relax! xx


  1. Weird, that toxic parent thing. If anyone has a go at me at secondary school I think, you've had them for 12 - 18 years. How is the kid's behaviour my fault when I've only just met him/her?

    Happy Xmas.

  2. Parents! Pah! Hope you shook it off and have been enjoying the hols. The fact that you got upset at all just goes to show that you have too much of a conscience to do whatever they suggested you did anyway. (If that sentence makes any sense.)
    Besides which you see them what, 6 hours a day? En masse, as one of 26, 27 28 or worse. . .
    Oh, and anonymous letter? What horrid parents- just feel sorry for the kid who has to go home to that person.
    And, finally, your pass the parcel games sounds perfect!
    I'm sure you're a lovely, dedicated teacher as your blog broadcasts! Enjoy the deserved Festive season.
    Stella xx
