Monday, 11 July 2011

The 10 Commandments

After teaching the children about the 10 commandments: Thou shalt not steal: I remembered the paper clips I had nicked from the school office; and how I had really encouraged the children to steal ideas from each other. I felt a little hypocritical. Then I remembered what real thieves do; they call it 'borrowing':
It got me thinking what would the 10 commandments be for teachers? I’m still thinking about it...not so much as 10 OFSTED guidelines but 10 things to make teaching work at home as well as school.

Someone texted me on Friday, 'How r u? The kids behaving themselves?'
My reply was; 'The kids have been good; the boss on the otherhand...' Maybe there should also be 10 commandments for bosses!

Now‘s the time of year when we should really be loving teaching but I’m not. I’m really not. I normally find a way to make myself happy. I normally think of something. I can be happy however big the workload and however naughty the kids are.
It is one of my golden rules to see the kids and the boss for their good and understand how things might be for them. This works. At the same time, I don't agree with someone being out of line and I say something. Our head has given many members of staff letters warning them of capability procedure. I’ve not had a letter and I don’t think I’ll get one but it bothers me. It really bothers me. She’s handing out capability procedures like there’s no tomorrow. I can’t help but feel I’ve handed in my resignation at just the right time. PHEW!!!! xx


  1. I'd like to see the 10 commandments; that'd make a good post. I think all school's have their difficulties. If it really continues to bother you look around for another school.
    The worst thing, possibly, is that often the powers-that-be have no people skills. Makes you wonder how they got into teaching in the first place. I've found teaching to be a really hard job over the years and I'm not sure how anyone has the energy, committment or grit to stick with it. Maybe it's often just necessity. Make sure you have time to have some fun outside of school so you manage to retain a little perspective.
    josie x

  2. Thanks Josie for your kind words and you're so right! I'm all set to start a new school. There's a lot to be said for getting in the right as much as a school which suits one's personality.xx
