Friday, 5 August 2011

Willy the Wizard

Aaaah bliss!! In full flow of the holiday! After 2 weeks, it has gotten to that stage where it has actually got boring. I am not complaining about that! I am embracing the boredom and enjoying it. It is not very often I have the opportunity to be bored. One year, I planned so much for the holiday that I needed another holiday afterwards. Sometimes nothing is good, from nothing you can do whatever you want! In typical teacher form, I am finding it hard to sit still and keep feeling like I should be doing something. My friend rang me and said, ‘What have you been up to Miss Phitt?’
My response was, ‘absolutely nothing.’ I began to make excuses and give reasons and she said,
‘Don’t feel guilty for it, for *^^( sake!’
It kind of feels like my right leg has been chopped off without a pile of planning and marking...
I forgot to mention that I got the feedback from the marking scrutiny. From the feedback, it was quite evident they hadn’t scrutinised a single one of my books. Everybody’s feedback was identical. In the end I had actually been looking forward to my feedback after sneak peeking at the other teachers’ books. My books might have had naff smiley faces but at least the children hadn’t carefully drawn willies on them like in some of the other classes – well, that’s what comes of telling the kids the story of ‘Willy the Wizard’ By Anthony Browne. Having said that, it’s an amazing story. I love a story with a moral.


  1. Yay! Enjoy the boredom. I usually get in a huge pile of library books to read and tape hits of crap on tv that I want to watch and never got around to during the term.
    If it's the long holidays I usually have a project I aim to start at some point: paint the house, restain the outdoor furniture. .. .etc
    Perhaps you can teach the children to draw willies next year so they can join in the fun!
    Josie x

  2. Hahah have already done the cupboards! Teachers can't pass a holiday without some form of household reorganisation.
    Children being naughty, willy drawing or what not, makes the day so much fun and is one of the best perks of teaching...apart from when they get the teacher in trouble! xx
