Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Everyone wants a piece of me but I just want some peace!

After 3 weeks, it feels like I’ve been at my new school forever. So as promised, the silver lining has worn off and here’s some moans about this much better school. This tends to be the case once you’ve settled in somewhere. There also tends to be 2 common moans, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing: Time and Money.
So what do you think of school clubs? I’ve always thought they were great until... they asked me which one I wanted to do? Eeermm none! - My unspoken response. Why would I want to spend my mornings, evenings and lunchtimes doing a club out of the goodness of my heart when I could be spending my time gossiping and drinking coffee in the staffroom? Well, that’s not strictly true but it is my breakfast, lunch and tea time. ‘So can we sign you up for running club?’ I thought about it and thought I might as well use it as my twice weekly exercise sessions...until they told me it’s at lunchtime- suddenly images of kids running around puking up their lunch crossed my mind. Then some papers appeared on my desk ‘these are for your 11+ club.’ Oh dear! I’m all for making 11+ tuition available as I think some bright little buttons fail the test because the poor little sods haven’t been given tutoring. But my main concern is always teachers’ wellbeing. I’ve got enough work doing the normal teach, plan, mark and assess etc etc. Well, some clubs are paid- perhaps there is a bright side after all. Somehow clubs don’t seem so bad if you’re getting paid for them. It’s a case of not enough time...isn’t it? Yet more time suddenly comes available if you’re getting paid for your time. If I’m not, I’ll skill myself up ready to say ‘NO!’ by half term. If I am, I’ll put the money towards a relaxing holiday by half term.
And what do you think of teachers buying their own resources? I also don’t believe in teachers spending their own money on resources – we’re not Avon ladies after all. Today I asked where I could get hold of some folders – Tescos was the answer. Hmmphh!!
So I’ve got a couple of options: 1) Request being paid for clubs and request resources to be ordered 2) Don’t do it and stop moaning about it ;-P
Btw, there’s something I read, I think it was in one of Frank Chalk’s books- about children in rough schools being far uglier than in other schools. Whilst I realise it is completely against political correctness, I chuckled to myself when my good looking 11+ class arrived, remembering the vacant-faced uglies of my previous rough school. I actually enjoyed doing the clubs ...ssshhh!! Don’t tell anyone!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, buying your own resources! That sucks! At least keep the receipts and claim it on your tax. THat's what I used to do, now of course I've been teaching so long I have more spare folders than i know what to do with . .and plastic envelopes (You know the A4 kind) that multiple the way that socks get lost in the wash.
    Not a great analogy but you get the picture.
    Sorry haven't dropped by in a while. . . haven't blogged, haven't read anyone else's blog . enthusiasm m.i.a. apparently.
