Saturday, 26 March 2011

Teachers March - Are teachers Martyrs?

There is currently an NUT march going on at Victoria Embankment. I am very annoyed with myself for not going. The march is protesting against teachers pay freeze and increased pension contributions. Through my disorganisation I am not there. Many teachers complain about the pay freeze yet are not there either. Shouldn't we be at least trying to take action against pay? Surely doing nothing is accepting it. When it comes to workload or pay my Martyr complex kicks in. However I know this is what I have chosen for myself.
My Martyr complex also kicks in when I am teaching a huge class in a rough school and others teach a little nice class in the countryside. I think I should be paid more than them lol. However, again, I know this is what I have chosen for myself.
Laters x

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